Quantum Controls Ltd are the 2016 Winner of the Prestigious Innovation and Excellence Award. The UK’s leading supplier of ABB Drives and Motors since 1994 and are an Official UK ABB Service Partner. Over recent years, Quantum have previously won 3 national awards for their innovative energy saving solutions provided to UK Industry.

85% of electricity consumed by Electric Motors
Quantum’s approach to energy reduction is truly unique. It is a fact that on Centrifugal Pump and Fan applications a reduction in motor speed of 20% will produce an energy reduction of approximately 50%. However, while many Variable Speed Drive sellers will issue you a report showing ‘predicted savings’ Quantum actually installs and commissions temporary Drives onto your application.
350,000 Votes from UK Industries
Quantum won the 2015 ABB Drives and Motor Supplier of the Year UK Corporate Excellence Award. Over 350,000 people from UK Industries were asked to nominate for this category and Quantum Controls came out on top.
What Could You be Saving?
If your organisation would benefit from a reduction in energy costs then call Quantum today for your free, no obligation meeting with one of engineer experts (not a salesman) and find out exactly what savings can be achieved on your site and join the 1,000’s of UK companies who have already benefited.
T +44 (0)1661 835566